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Western Mutual Insurance Group Named to Ward’s 50 for Eighth Straight Year
IRVINE, California (July 16, 2019) — On Tuesday, July 16th, Ward Group named Western Mutual Insurance Group, to its Ward’s 50 list of top performing property and casualty insurance carriers. The Ward Group has analyzed the financial performance of over 3,000 property-casualty insurance companies for the past twenty-nine years, identifying the top performers each year based on objective data and subjective quality measures. Western Mutual has passed all safety and consistency screens and achieved superior performance over the past eight years.
“The Western Mutual family is honored to be consecutively named as a top performing homeowners insurance carrier,” said Kelly Walker, Vice President, Inbound Marketing and Social Media of Western Mutual Insurance Group. “As a mutual, we are dedicated to our policyholders and providing them with quality coverages and exceptional customer service at an affordable rate.”
Western Mutual Insurance Group has been insuring homeowners in California since 1942. Today, WMIG consists of Western Mutual Insurance Company, Arizona Home Insurance Company, and Residence Mutual Insurance Company, serving homeowners in Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Utah.
For more information about Western Mutual Insurance Group, please visit their website at http://www.WesternMutual.com.
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About Western Mutual
Established in 1942, Western Mutual began as a county mutual fire insurer in the state of California. In 1949 Residence Mutual Insurance Company, part of the Western Mutual Insurance Group, was founded. Their subsidiary, Arizona Home Insurance Company, was added in 1990. The Western Mutual Insurance Group has received numerous awards for dependability and continues to serve homeowners in the states of California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Utah. Top rated by the Department of Insurance in California. Awarded A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best for financial stability.
Western Mutual Insurance Group A+ Superior Rating Affirmed by AM Best
RVINE, Calif., Jan. 8, 2019 — For the fifth consecutive year, the A.M. Best Company has affirmed Western Mutual Insurance Group’s A+ Superior Rating. A.M. Best is the world’s oldest and most authoritative insurance rating source, which evaluates companies based on quantitative and qualitative measures. They analyze individual company’s balance sheet strength, operating performance and business profile. The entire Western Mutual Insurance Group, consisting of Western Mutual Insurance Company, Arizona Home Insurance Company and Residence Mutual Insurance Company, are included under the Superior A+ Ranking.
“The Western Mutual family is very proud of this high rating,” said Kelly Crail, Vice President, Inbound Marketing and Social Media of Western Mutual Insurance Group. “Being awarded a Superior A+ Rating from A.M. Best for our claims paying ability and overall excellent financial strength solidifies Western Mutual as a top standing insurance company, dedicated to providing quality and affordable coverage to our customers.”
For over 75 years, Western Mutual Insurance Group has served as one of the top home insurance companies in California and Arizona. For more information about Western Mutual Insurance Group, please visit their website at www.WesternMutual.com.
About Western Mutual
Established in 1942, Western Mutual began as a county mutual fire insurer in the state of California. In 1949 Residence Mutual Insurance Company, part of the Western Mutual Insurance Group, was founded. Their subsidiary, Arizona Home Insurance Company, was added in 1990. The Western Mutual Insurance Group has received numerous awards for dependability and continues to serve homeowners in the states of California, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Utah.
For more information, please contact Kelly Crail at kcrail@westernmutual.com.